Thursday, September 28, 2023

'The Two Bhagavatas' by Dr. S. Srikanta Sastri (1933)

It is well known that of the two Puranas – Devi Bhãgavata and Sri Bhagavata, the Saktas and Vaisnavas claim that their own sectarian work is the real Mahapurana composed by Vyasa and the other is a mere Upapurana. In his introduction to the Devi – Bhagavata, Nilakantha asserts that the authority of the Matsya and Saiva Puranas is in favour of the priority of Devi Bhagavata. He quotes the following verses in support.

Bhagavatyas ca Durgayas caritam yatra vidyate
Tattu Bhagavatam proktam na tu Devipuranakam
(Saiva – Madhyesyara mahatmye)

Here Devipuranaka means the Upapurana Kalika Purana
yadidam Kalikakhyam tanmulam Bhagavatam smrtam

The chief characteristics of Bhagavata are these enumerated in the Matsya: -

यत्राधिकृत्य गयात्रीम् वर्णयते धर्मविस्तर |

वृत्रासुरवधोपेतं तभ्दागवतमिष्यते ||
सारस्वतस्य कल्पस्य मद्ये ये स्युर्नरामरा: |
तद्वत्तान्तोभ्दबं लोके तभ्दागवतमिष्यते ||

Puranantare: -
हयग्रीवब्रह्मविध्या यत्र वृत्रवधस्तथा |
गायत्र्या च स्मारम्भस्तद्वै भागवतं विदु: ||

Thus, the Bhagavata is that work which commences with Gayatri and deals extensively with Dharma, and the story of the killing of Vrtra, in the Sarasvata kalpa, and Hayagriva Brahmavidya. All these are only applicable to the Devi Bhagavata which begins with this mantra.

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Thursday, September 21, 2023


This inscription was discovered at Uttara Kasi in Tehri-Gharwal, by Pandit Chiddure Matha Virabhadra Sarma of Secunderabad (Deccan), who took an impression of it and has published some preliminary notices1. The inscription is engraved on the dhvaja stambha before the temple of Siva at the Uttara Kasi. The pillar is called a Sakti Stambha in the inscription and was erected to commemorate the victories of the ruler Guha. The pillar is now called a trisula and current legends assert that Siva’s trisula after the destruction of Tripurasura, was established in this place. 

The inscription is engraved in late Gupta characters of about the sixth century, but earlier than the Banskhera grants of Harsa. The language of the inscription is Sanskrt and the florid Kavya style of the record is reminiscent of the Allahabad inscription of Harisena and the Mehrauli inscription of Candra. The metres used are Sardula-vikridita and Sragdhara. The text begins with the symbol for Om and ends with the letter tha. 

There was a ruler named Ganesvara whose praises were sung by men and who erected the resplendant temple of Bhava, high as the peak of Himavat. This forest ruler (vanajadhipa) considering all his wealth (including amatya etc) as less than an atom and remembering the friendship of Indra, went to Sumeru with a cheerful mind. 

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